2022-JUN-12 10:00AM


  • Preservice Song: Ps. 56: 1, 4, 5
  • *Votum & Salutation
  • *Opening Song: Ps. 84: 1, 5
  • Ten Words of the Covenant
  • Song of Response: Ps. 139: 1, 3, 10
  • Prayer
  • Reading of Scripture: 2 Peter 1:1-11
  • Song of Preparation: Ps. 26: 2, 4, 5
  • Reading of the Text:
  • Ministry of the Word: Make Every Effort to Add to Your Faith!
    1. The reason to add to your faith
    2. The way to add to your faith
  • *Song of Response: Ps. 25: 4, 7
  • Thanksgiving Prayer
  • Offertory: Word & Deed
  • *Song of Closing: Hymn 55
  • *Benediction

Ministry of the Word: Make Every Effort to Add to Your Faith!

1. The reason to add to your faith

  • Make every effort to supplement your faith.
  • To speak is easy, but to do is hard.

2. The way to add to your faith

  • We are to work to build up the fruits of the spirit (ove, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control).