2022-May-08 3:00PM


  • Preservice Song: Ps. 30: 1, 4, 5
  • *Votum & Salutation
  • *Opening Song: Ps. 124: 1, 2, 3
  • Profession of Faith: Nicene Creed
  • Amen Song: Hymn 24:1-6
  • Prayer
  • Reading of Scripture
  • Song of Preparation: Ps. 38: 1, 2, 8
  • Reading: Lord's Day 16
  • Ministry of the Word: Because of Christ’s death, burial, and descent into hell, I am free
    1. I am free from God's wrath (Q&A 40, 41)
    2. I am free from sin's rule, (Q&A 43)
    3. I am free from fear's grip (Q/A 42, 44)
  • *Song of Response: Hymn 25: 3, 6, 7
  • Thanksgiving Prayer
  • Offertory: Bible League
  • *Song of Closing: Ps. 116: 2, 5, 8, 9, 10
  • *Benediction

Ministry of the Word: Because of Christ’s death, burial, and descent into hell, I am free

1. I am free from God's wrath (Q&A 40, 41)

  • We were ransomed with the blood of Christ.
  • Couldn't God just have forgotten about sin?
  • No. Sin against God is the worst crime.

2. I am free from sin's rule, (Q&A 43)

  • If the Son of God did not die, then we are not saved.
  • We must daily be busy putting our old nature to death.
  • We must bury our sinful nature. It must not rule over us.
  • Living in the freedom Christ has won for us is a spiritual act of worship.

3. I am free from fear's grip (Q/A 42, 44)

  • Christ transforms.
  • During temptation we might sometimes think we are stuck.
  • Death is a defeated enemy.