2022-Mar-13 10:00AM


Ministry of the Word: How Not to Pray

1. Do not pray looking for praise

  • "They pray at the street corners that they might be seen".
  • Luke 20:46: "eware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and love to be greeted with respect".
  • Evangelical churches make celebrities out of preachers. This is not healthy.
  • Do you ever post prayers on social media to see how many likes you get?
  • Praying for approval is a path away from salvation.
  • What about the opposite; what about people that are afraid of public speaking?
  • We are too concerned with what people think of us.
  • "But when you pray, go into your room and pray to God who is unseen".
  • North America is the kingdom of noise. Not just noisy but busy. This makes it hard to find a quiet place on your own to pray.
  • At some point Christians started folding their hands, and closing their eyes.

2. Do not heap up your words Mt 6:7

  • Sometimes Pastors pray too long.
  • Martin Luther: better to pray short prayers more often. Your Father knows what you want before you even pray.
  • The Lord's Prayer is for God's glory.