2022-Feb-13 10:00AM


  • Before Service Song: Ps. 138: 1, 2, 4
  • *Votum & Salutation
  • *Song of Response: Ps. 145: 1, 4, 5
  • Ten Words of the Covenant
  • Prayer
  • Song of Response: Ps. 145: 2, 3
  • Reading of Scripture: Psalm 139
  • Song of Response: Ps. 139: 1, 2, 5
  • Reading of the Text: Genesis 28:10-22
  • Ministry of the Word: God promises to be with his people wherever they go
  • *Song of Response: Ps. 121: 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Thanksgiving Prayer
  • Offertory: Rehoboth
  • *Song of Closing: Hymn 53: 1, 2, 3, 4
  • *Benediction

Ministry of the Word: God promises to be with his people wherever they go

  • Although Jacob received the birthright through trickery; things don't seem to be working out for him, and he is forced to flee.
  • While today we know how the story ends, think about the situation from Jacob's perspective.
  • Jacob, while fleeing, has a dream of hope. A ladder to heaven, granting him access to God.
  • We can be assured today that God promises to be with us wherever we are and whatever we are doing.