
  • Before Service Song: Ps. 68: 1, 10, 12
  • *Votum & Salutation
  • *Song of Response: Ps. 92: 1, 2
  • Ten Words of the Covenant
  • Song of Response: Ps. 92: 3, 4
  • Prayer
  • Reading of Scripture: Romans 9:1-16
  • Song of Response: Hymn 55
  • Reading of the Text: Genesis 25:19-34
  • Ministry of the Word: In his grace, God chooses the low-esteemed to be his victorious people.
  • *Song of Response: Hymn 35
  • Thanksgiving Prayer
  • Offertory: CRWRF Mufu Home
  • *Song of Closing: Ps. 92: 5, 6, 7
  • *Benediction

Ministry of the Word: In his grace, God chooses the low-esteemed to be his victorious people."

  • Homer's The Odyssey. Odysseus is a cunning trickster. Some say he came up with the idea for the Trojan Horse.
  • As we followed Jacob, we see that he is cunning and crafty. Scheming.
  • But if we view the story of Jacob from the right perspective, his cunning is not a virtue. He received the blessing because of his trickery.
  • Rebecca and Isaac waited 20 years for God to give them children. And when she finally did have children, it was a painful pregnancy, with twins fighting inside her womb.
  • What happens because of this? It drives Rebecca to ask the Lord "why?". God answers with his plans for the nations of Israel. God reveals something wonderful and scary. Rebecca will give birth to two nations, and the older will serve the younger. God reveals that he is choosing the younger to give the birthright to, before they are even born.
  • Consider that Esau's distant legacy will be Herod the Edomite, killing all the baby boys in Israel to try and kill Jesus.