
  • Before Service Song – Ps. 128
  • *Votum & Salutation
  • *Song of Response – Ps. 34: 1, 5
  • Profession of Faith - Nicene Creed
  • Amen Song – Ps. 28: 4, 5
  • Prayer
  • Reading of Scripture – Ephesians 6:1-9
  • Song of Response – Ps. 78: 1, 2, 3
  • Reading: Lord's Day 39
  • Ministry of the Word: In the fifth word God outlines the blessed bond of parents and children
    1. The duty of parents to children
    2. The duty of children to parents
  • *Song of Response – Hymn 56
  • Thanksgiving Prayer
  • Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
  • Sing – Hymn 59
  • Offertory – MERF
  • *Song of Closing – Hymn 45
  • *Benediction
  • At Table:

Ministry of the Word: In the fifth word God outlines the blessed bond of parents and children

(1) The duty of parents to children

  • Parents cannot save their children, but they are responsible for helping bring them to God and making them aware of God.
  • "To these little ones belong the kingdom of heaven" Matthew 19:14.
  • Parents need to bring their children up in the love and fear of the Lord.
  • Being a parent does not end when your children are adults.
  • Rules are also there to protect our children.
  • Being a parent is a balance of telling what to do and why to do it.
  • The greatest thing we can do for our children is set the example for how to live, and show them the love of Jesus Christ.

(2) The duty of children to parents

  • "Honor your father and mother". Regard them with respect. Regard them as having authority.
  • Honoring your father and mother is giving honor to God. Disobeying your father and mother is showing disrespect to God.
  • Psalm 119: How can a young person keep their life pure? Listen to their parents and follow what God wants us to do.