Pre-Service Worship

Preaching of the Word: The Holy Spirit

  • The Holy Spirit is one of the names of God.
  • Some Churches have a tradition of standing when reading God's Word.
  • Reading: 1 Corinthians 12: "Concerning Spiritual Gifts"
  • The goal of the gifts of the Spirit are to strengthen and build the Church.
  • We need to Spirit at work in our hearts to lead us.
  • The Bible mentions a few of the gifts; wisdom, knowledge, faith, prophesy (the gift of preaching), spiritual healing, and speaking.
  • Paul writes of spiritual gifts as a means of encouraging the Church of Corinth. The church there was full of chaos. Everyone was trying to use their gifts, and trying to elevate themselves, and speak over one another.
  • We need to make sure that when we use God's Gifts, that we check to make sure we are using them correctly, in the name of God.

5 Tests for the use of Gifts

  • (1) The love test. Is the gift being used lovingly?
  • (2) The conviction test. Is the gift being used with conviction.
  • (3) The comprehension test. Does it make sense?
  • (4) The judgement test. Weigh out what is being said. Weigh out how the gift is being used.
  • (5) The submission test. Is the gift being used in submission to God.


  • The Gifts of the Spirit are for everyone. They only require us to figure out what our individual gifts are, and then start using them in God's name.