
  • Before Service Song - Ps. 103: 1, 4
  • *Votum & Salutation
  • *Song of Response - Ps. 24: 1, 5
  • Profession of Faith - Nicene Creed
  • Amen Song - Ps. 145: 1, 2
  • Prayer
  • Reading of Scripture - 1 Corinthians 11:17-34
  • Reading of Scripture - Psalm 23
  • Song of Response - Ps. 24: 2, 3
  • Reading - Numbers 6:22-27
  • Ministry of the Word: **
  • *Song of Response - Hymn 55
  • Thanksgiving Prayer
  • Offertory - CFAM
  • *Song of Closing - Hymn 66
  • *Benediction

Ministry of the Word: God will continue to bless his people.

1. The end of the year

  • There is a saying "new year... new me".
  • We begin the year with every option.
  • This year, as in every year, there will be day and there will be night. There will be four seasons. There will be 52 Sundays. The gospel will be preached. There will be baptisms. There will be life and there may be death.

2. The Blessing: "God bless you and keep you"

  • The blessing we hear in Church was first given to Aaron by God. The blessing was given to all the people by God through Aaron.
  • Being kept means that God has a place for us in his kingdom. Kept for God. Kept from the forces of evil. Being kept means being in a state that God wants us to be in.
  • God has only unconditional love for us.

3. The Comfort

  • Shalom. Peace. God wants us to have peace and comfort.

4. Verse 27: "So they shall put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them"

  • The Israelites were captive in Egypt for 400 years. They had no identity.
  • God blessed Israel and gave them their identity back.
  • So it is also that God will bless us in the year ahead. Although the world sometimes tells us that we do not belong, God's blessing assures us that He is keeping us.