The LORD’s voice is powerful and gracious, listen to him. He speaks to us:

  1. Through signs answering to unbelief
  2. Through servants appointed in weakness
  3. Through his Son who anoints us to service

1. Through signs answering to unbelief

  • The Lord sometimes seems to give us impossible tasks.
  • Moses felt he had been given an impossible task by God; he said he was not an eloquent speaker (and yet, Moses spoke back to God!).
  • The Lord revealed to Moses that he was in control, and he could destroy the mighty Egyptian nation and their economy in an instant. Imagine if today someone could snap their fingers and stop all electricity. This is what it was like for the Egyptians.
  • Despite this, Moses seems to blame God for not being able to speak well.

2. Through servants appointed in weakness

  • God reveals his glory through imperfect servants.

3. Through his Son who anoints us to service

  • God's work with human servants points to God's work with his Son.