The 3-Fold Office of Christ, Part 1: Our Chief Prophet

Religious Pluralism

  • At some point in your life you will encounter someone that beleives that all religions are the same.
  • Religious Pluralism. All religions are equal.
  • Bicycle wheel to decribe all religions. Rubber wheel metal rim and spokes. God is the hub. God is at the middle where everyone wants to get. All the different religions are like spokes poiting to the middle.
  • Pluralists would say that Christians, like all who are religious, are seeking God.

Personal God

  • However, God is a personal God, andd He reveals Himself to us. Historically through the Bible and in our lives through prayer and the Holy Spirit
  • God allows us not just to know about Him, but also to know Him.
  • In Biblical times it was the responsibility of the prophets to reveal God to the people of Israel.
  • When Jesus came, he gave us the Disciples to preach and spread the word of God, and the Holy Spirit to live in our hearts.
  • God wants to give everyone in life a purpose. God wants us to seek out our purpose through prayer and reading the Bible.


  • Moses spoke face to face with God in the tent of meeting. What a privilege! And yet Moses was not given a complete understanding of the plan that God had for us.
  • It was not until God sent Jesus to die for our sins that we truely understand our sinful nature and our need for salvation.
  • Jesus was not just the source of our salvation, but also a prophet, foretelling His sacrifice for us. He did not reveal everything until after His death and resurrection.
  • It is on through Jesus that we can have salvation, and also only through Jesus that we can know about salvation and what it means. Jesus not only died for us, but also explained His death to us.