• Before Service Song – Hymn 52: 1, 3, 4, 5
  • *Votum & Salutation
  • *Song of Response – Ps. 147: 1, 5, 6
  • Ten Words of the Covenant
  • Song of Response – Ps. 119: 65, 66
  • Prayer
  • Reading of Scripture – Jeremiah 32: 26-44
  • Song of Response – Ps. 85: 1, 4
  • Reading of the Text – Genesis 17
  • Ministry of the Word: God’s Pledge to Renew our Relationship
    1. God gives a new sign
    • Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.
    1. God gives a new promise
    • God promised two things he has never promised before. Abram the father of a great nation, then the father of many nations. Every descendant would participate in the covenant. The line would be through Abram's wife Sarai.
    1. God gives new names
    • From Abram and Sarai to Abraham and Sarah.
  • *Song of Response – Hymn 79: 1, 2, 3
  • Thanksgiving Prayer
  • Offertory - Rehoboth
  • *Song of Closing – Hymn 79: 4, 5
  • *Benediction