• Before Service Song – Hymn 50: 1, 2, 4
  • *Votum & Salutation
  • *Song of Response – Ps. 99: 1, 2, 5, 6
  • Profession of Faith
  • Amen Song – Ps. 115: 1, 2, 5, 6
  • Prayer
  • Reading of Scripture – Ezekiel 36:16-32
  • Song of Response – Ps. 119: 52-54
  • Reading of the Text: Ezekiel 36:26-27;
  • Canons of Dort 3/4, Article 11
  • Ministry of the Word: God gives new hearts by His Spirit within.
    1. A thorough work
    • God, by His Spirit, makes us new. It is the renewal of the Spirit that cleanses us.
    • God uses his word and Spirit. But it is the inner transforming work of the Spirit that gives us new life. God gifts us new hearts; clean hearts.
    • Our spirit is not just our soul, but our attitudes, our minds, the way we think, our character. Thus, the renewal of our spirits is a deep thing. We cannot separate heart and mind. The bible says "As a man thinks in his heart...".
    • It is the heart that desires.
    • The Holy Spirit illuminates our minds and goes into the inmost recesses of our hearts.
    1. An affecting work
    • AFFECTING vs. EFFECTING. Not just effective, but affective across our entire life.
    • The first step is for us to recognize our sinfulness. It is only then that we can open our heart to let God in.
    1. An effective work
    • The Spirit opens our hearts to the truth. But we must take that first step.
    • Our character can be changed by accepting the Spirit into our hearts and into our lives.
    • The more we accept the Spirit, the more we will be strengthened.
  • *Song of Response – Ps. 116: 1, 2, 4, 5
  • Thanksgiving Prayer
  • Offertory – Word & Deed
  • *Song of Closing – Hymn 10
  • *Benediction