• Before Service Songs –
  • Ps. 104 Alternate: 1, 6
  • Hail, the Day: 1, 4
  • *Votum & Salutation
  • *Song of Response – Hymn 46: 1-4
  • Profession of Faith – Hymn 2
  • Prayer
  • Reading of Scripture
    • Matthew 7:1-5;
    • Romans 7:14-8:8
  • Song of Response – Ps. 116: 1, 4, 9
  • Reading of Lord’s Day 2
  • Ministry of the Word: What Our Sins and Misery Teach Us. They teach us about:
    1. Difficult people;
      • Everyone has to deal with difficult people at some time.
      • How do we handle dealing with difficult people? Sometimes we can avoid them. But not if it's your sibling or parent or teacher or boss or maybe coworker.
      • Maybe we can talk to them. But if it's someone that is in a position of seniority (teach, parent, boss, etc.) this can be difficult.
      • Efforts to try and reason with someone and change their behavior is often met with hostility. It's very difficult to get people to change.
      • Often times people that are difficult are dealing with difficult situations themselves, or perhaps their behavior is just an expression of thier character.
      • When you have come to the insight of how hard it is to deal with difficult people, you have a tiny picture of what it is like for God to deal with us.
    2. Our miserable selves;
      • Dealing with difficult people and difficult situations can make us miserable.
      • God made us in perfection and created a world for us to explore and learn about. We had a completely satisfying life, and nothing was lacking.
      • But we fell into sin and misery.
      • God gave us freedom of will; he did not want us to be a puppet or a robot. It is only with true freedom that we can truly love God and love one another. Freedom gives us creativity, commitment, and love.
      • God's love for us is unconditional.
      • Now that we have fallen into sin and misery we are incapable of doing anything good on our own.
    3. A wise God
      • God sees everything we do and everything we say and everything we think.
      • We Christians are barely different from everyone around us.
      • We must "take the plank out of our eyes before we can take the splinter out of our brothers eye".
      • We must not hide behind the sins of others to cover our own sins and faults.
      • We are all flawed and lacking in true goodness and compassion.
      • We must see our own sin and misery first.
      • Despite all our sin and misery, God has given us the gift of forgiveness.
  • *Song of Response – Ps. 25: 2, 9, 10
  • Thanksgiving Prayer
  • Offertory – Safe Families
  • *Song of Closing – Ps. 4: 2, 3
  • *Benediction