• Before Service Songs –
    • Ps. 59 Alternate: 1-4
    • Guide Me, O my Great Redeemer: 1-3
  • *Votum & Salutation
  • *Song of Response – Ps. 65: 1, 2, 3
  • Ten Words of the Covenant
  • Prayer
  • Song of Response – Ps. 103: 4, 5
  • Reading of Scripture – Luke 5: 1-11
  • Song of Response – Ps. 104: 1, 7, 8
  • Reading of the Text – John 21: 1-14
  • Ministry of the Word: The risen Jesus shows his disciples that they will be fishers of men
    1. The disciples go fishing (vss. 1-3)
      • Peter runs TO Jesus in this passage, instead of running away from Jesus.
      • What were the disciples supposed to do after Jesus' death? Especially after Peter denied Jesus three times.
    2. My fish was that big (vss. 4-6)
      • It was early in the morning. Just starting to get light. The shore was probably still dark. They could see that someone was at the shore but they probably couldn't see who it was.
      • Why would they listen to a stranger when they could not catch something all night? Fishermen are often optimists. The stranger on the shore seemed to know what he was saying. He was speaking with some authority.
      • Our text is not about fish at all.
      • The catch was huge. Miraculous.
      • But the disciples soon realized that the fish were a metaphor for catching people (v. 5). They pulled their boats up and left everything.
      • People were being drawn to Jesus during his ministry, but then they abandoned him at the cross. It was as if the net had broken.
      • We must ask ourselves if we are really into Jesus.
    3. Jesus had breakfast ready (vss. 7-10)
      • Peter jumps out into the water. He cannot get to Jesus fast enough. We contrast this to the miracle in Luke 5 when Peter recognized that Jesus was God and threw himself to the ground and was afraid to be near Jesus. But Peter wants to be with Jesus. He desperately wants forgiveness.
      • Meals are not just about eating. They are about the people. About fellowship. About spending time with people.
      • There are two stories in our text.
        • The disciples being called to ministry.
        • The personal story of Peter running to Jesus.
    4. Third time’s the charm (vss. 11-14)
      • Jesus is still in the boat. He is still with us. His Spirit is inside us.
      • The outpouring of the Spirit and the complete forgiveness of our sins is an unimaginable gift for us.
      • "No one can snatch them out of the Father's hand". The net will not break.
      • Fishermen do not quit. They do not give up. Many of the disciples were imprisoned or killed. Martyred. For Jesus. For Jesus' ministry.
  • *Song of Response – Hymn 79
  • Thanksgiving Prayer
  • Offertory – Mission Aviation Fellowship
  • *Song of Closing – Hymn 61
  • *Benediction