• Before Service Songs –
    • Ps. 57 Alternate:
    • Come You Faithful, Rise the Strain:
  • *Votum & Salutation
  • *Song of Response – Ps. 138: 1, 2
  • Profession of Faith – Nicene Creed
  • Amen Song – Hymn 85:3
  • Prayer
  • Reading of Scripture
    • Romans 6: 1-14;
    • 1 Corinthians 15:50-58
  • Song of Response – Ps. 16: 1, 3, 5
  • Reading of Lord’s Day 17
  • Ministry of the Word: Jesus’ Resurrection is the Foundation of our Hope
    1. It confirms our Justification
      • If Christ had not risen Faith would be futile.
      • Jesus' resurrection is connected to our justification and thus our salvation.
      • If Jesus had not risen we would not share in his righteousness.
      • Why wasn't Jesus death enough for our righteousness?
      • If Jesus did not come back he would not have paid for our sins. He would have been "held by death".
      • Jesus had to be risen and triumph over sin. Jesus had to defeat death completely. This is because of the close connection between sin and death.
      • Full Wrath of God the Father. Forsaken by God the Father. Death. But then triumph over death.
    2. It brings about our Sanctification
      • Romans 6: Paul is urging the Church to understand what it means to have a new nature in Christ.
      • We cannot have this perfectly in this life but we have a promise of eternal life.
      • Romans 6:9 "The death he died he died once and for all".
      • Death is the only "release" from sin (Romans 6:9-10).
    3. It guarantees our Glorification
      • Glorification after death is a change.
      • We will be the same person but we will be changed in some way we cannot understand.
      • Our physical nature matters to God.
      • The dust of earth is sitting now in heaven at the right hand of God.
      • Because Jesus has our human nature, we can consider ourselves to be sitting there in Heaven with God.
      • Our future is glorious because Jesus lives.
  • *Song of Response – Hymn 32
  • Thanksgiving Prayer
  • Offertory – Asia Mission Board (Urban Mission)
  • *Song of Closing – Hymn 36
  • *Benediction