• Before Service Song – Ps. 36: 3
  • *Votum & Salutation
  • *Song of Response – Ps. 63: 1, 2
  • Ten Words of the Covenant
  • Song of Response – Ps. 4: 1, 2
  • Prayer
  • Reading for the Form for the Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
  • Profession of Faith – Hymn 1
  • Song of Preparation – Hymn 59
  • Communion
  • Reading of Scripture – Isaiah 61
  • Song – Ps. 4: 3
  • Reading of the Text- Acts 5:12
  • Ministry of the Word: The Spirit of Christ is Powerful in the Church.
    • Part 1: Jesus’ Power Demonstrated
      • We don't have miracles today.
      • We do not directly see the power of Christ demonstrated in miracles, signs, and wonders.
      • We have the whole Bible for us to read about the miracles, signs, and wonders Jesus performed.
  • *Song of Response – Ps. 63: 3
  • Doxology
  • Thanksgiving Prayer
  • Offertory – Rehoboth
  • *Song of Closing – Hymn 74
  • *Benediction